Chad, located in the heart of Africa, is a nation renowned for its rich cultural heritage and expansive landscapes. However, despite its abundant natural resources, Chad grapples with the harsh realities of climate change, experiencing both devastating droughts and heavy rainfall that, in some instances, disrupt food security. In 2022, heavy rains and the annual overflow of the Chari and Logone rivers led to widespread flooding, causing severe hardship for the population. An astounding 19 out of the country’s 23 provinces were adversely affected by these floods, destabilizing the lives of 1.3 million people.
Chad is not only confronted by its internal challenges but also finds itself at the epicentre of a turbulent region, surrounded by neighbouring countries struggling with multidimensional crises. These neighbouring nations, including Nigeria, Niger, the Central African Republic (CAR), and South Sudan, have endured terrorism, ethnic tensions, and civil conflicts, resulting in the displacement of their populations.
Amidst this regional turmoil, the Liwa region, situated in southern Chad, stands out as a diverse and culturally vibrant area celebrated for its breathtaking landscapes and unique blend of ethnic groups. Liwa is home to various ethnic communities, including the Arab, Daza, and Tubu people. Tragically, the majority of Liwa’s inhabitants are internally displaced persons (IDPs) who, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), are facing an emergency nutritional crisis.
In response to this critical issue, the Mary Dinah Foundation has undertaken its Zero Hunger Program in Chad. Established in London, UK since 2006, Mary Dinah Foundation, has been actively engaged in humanitarian projects for 17 years. The Foundation’s objective is to empower indigent and vulnerable persons globally by preventing malnutrition through its Zero Hunger Program, which provides emergency food relief and nutrition intervention. Additionally, the program implements activities aimed at improving access to adequate healthcare, clean water, promoting infant and young child feeding practices, raising awareness about hygiene, and addressing gender-based violence.
Over the past few years, the Mary Dinah Foundation has successfully implemented the Zero Hunger Program in Northeast Nigeria and the Far North region of Cameroon, in partnership with USAID. To date, the program has distributed 42 million meals, significantly benefiting IDPs, refugees, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.
To replicate the success of the Zero Hunger Program in Chad, Mary Dinah Foundation is working with other partners in the nutritional sector, such as UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA), UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), to distribute millions of meals and supplements to Chadians who are currently facing hunger and malnutrition. Through this program, Mary Dinah Foundation aims to make a significant impact on the lives of Chadians, especially children and pregnant or lactating women, and contribute to the eradication of hunger and malnutrition in the region.